This tool is applied to transport the logging toll for hi…
HH2580/580-series high speed transmission logging system …
The Magnetic Resonance Imaging Logging (MRIL) tool is a c…
It receives the command download by the surface system, t…
CLASS is the operation software for EXCLL2000 logging sys…
It communicates with surface system by ADSL mode. The eff…
It adopts two He-3 proportional counters to evaluate the …
It can complete the data acquisition of GR-SPECTRUM tool,…
It uses the hydraulic mechanical principle to push combin…
The Litho-Density tool uses a gamma source (1.5Ci, Cs137)…
When a gamma ray enters into the NaI crystal, the photo m…
The deviation tool can measure the DEVI, azimuth, azimuth…
It uses a hydraulic activated device to close and open th…
HZMWD-G Wireless Measurement While Drilling System applie…
When connected with code wheel, it can acquire the rotati…